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Entry point in a sentence

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Sentence count:71Posted:2019-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: delivery pointpoint of entrycentral pointway pointkey pointpoint-to-pointcontrol pointappointment
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1. Exchange bureaux are sited at all main entry points.
2. The nearest entry point, almost directly below Ace's feet, looked like the doors of a shuttle bay.
3. This effectively creates a limited number of entry points into the backbone and simplifies network management.
4. Initial entry point code for the dynamic linker.
5. The entry point function is optional for DLLs.
6. Provides the main entry point for a service executable.
7. Exits current instance, return to entry point.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. This module file becomes your test suite entry point.
9. Provides main entry point for a service executable.
10. That intersection is the primary entry point into the re-developed zone of Culver City.
11. One or more distribution layers report to each entry point at the core layer.
12. Further, you can map the entry point to a different name, effectively renaming the function.
13. Provides the main entry point that the designer uses to obtain the editing model.
14. The main entry point for the program is the AddInMain() function.
15. An entry point identifies the location of a function in a DLL.
16. Drugs are believed to come into the country through five main entry points.
17. The cross is easy to find and provides an entry point for the knife.
18. As for getting in ... There is only one entry point for spaceships into the world within the planet.
19. Courses are taught in three-week modules, and every course has at least three entry points and three exit points each year.
20. This is what is so exciting to neurophysiologists-the calcium entry points to a mechanism for short-term memory spanning many minutes.
21. GWT knows that the SimpleGWTApp class is the main entry point for the application because SimpleGWTApp.gwt.xml specifies it as such with the entry-point element.
22. It is also recommended to set the number of Domino dispatchers to the number of CM agents since they are the primary entry point to the CSLD task threads into archpro.
23. Depending on the chemical or biological agents in the environment, a half mask may not be sufficient because the eyes are very sensitive to chemicals and offer an easy entry point for bacteria.
24. The compiler links to MyLib.dll and calls the right entry point.
25. According to textbook content, in the activities of mining and cleverly designed moral education, if not the right entry point, do not far-fetched.
26. A pluglet is a Java? class that has a main entry point.
27. In view of crack, active shell can prevent the system memory by the direct tool dump, and protect the original entry point of software.
28. Having common beginning and ending screens or pages provides a known state to serve as a reliable entry point for other tests.
29. In Stanza 2, we define a security constraint for, which is the entry point of the application.
30. BMW Valvetronic engines have a conventional throttle plate at the intake's entry point, but it closes only when the engine is not running and for a brief period after start-up.
More similar words: delivery pointpoint of entrycentral pointway pointkey pointpoint-to-pointcontrol pointappointmentby appointmentdisappointmentappointment bookletter of appointmentpointpointspointyin pointpoint topoint uppointedpoint outpointerappointoutpointendpointend pointto a pointpointinggunpointballpointset point
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